terça-feira, 1 de agosto de 2017

Retevis RT82 100000 contacts

There's been some confusion on the usage of the CSV file on the RT82 between internal contacts and file contacts. Hope this little guide will help clarify that, the procedure is quite simple actually:

- Make sure you are using the latest Retevis Firmware with CSV (not Record) functionality: http://www.retevis.com/resources_center/software/RT82-updated-firmware.zip
READ the Update Description.txt inside the ZIP file, load the correct file to your radio.

- Download the updated .CSV file, Facebook is a good source for that, specially this group:

It's updated daily by fellow hams:

- On the RT82 CPS, access the menu Program and click on the option Write Contacts.


- Press Import and find the downloaded stripped.csv file. Press Open to load it.

- Wait for the following popup and press Ok, it takes a while.


 - Press Write and wait (and wait... and wait.... and wait.... :) ) for it to finish.


- After a few minutes, you should expect this message, press OK


 - Press the X on the popup box, close the CPS, remove the cable from the radio and pick it up.

- Open Menu, Utilities, Radio Settings and ContactsCSV, change the option to Turn ON.

- Exit to main screen.

That's it. When you receive a QSO, you should see the complete information of the person (if it's in the database. The file (as of today) contains 66760 IDs and it's growing at a rate of almost 100 per day in average. You can upgrade it daily, weekly, monthly, it's up to you.

RT82/MD2017 GPS Bug workaround

The RT82 has a "GPS Send" bug that locks the PTT after using a channel with this option activated. You must shut down and restart the radio to make it work again. This is my workaround (not a solution), for better or worse, it works and you can use both voice and APRS at the same time.

You program the radio with a zone like this:
Channel Member A – The channels you use on a daily base, without GPS Send activated
Channel Member B – One channel of your local DMR repeater that allows sms/gps and set the GPS Send option active on this one

Since they are both active, you can use A to speak and B to send the data only.


Para evitar o bug do PTT ficar "preso" ao falar num canal com GPS Send ativo, forçando a um restart do rádio para o voltar a utilizar, encontrei esta forma de ultrapassar essa situação e conseguir utilizar VOZ e APRS em simultâneo. Pode não ser a melhor mas até resolverem o problema do lado do firmware, funciona.

Programamos os dois grupos de memórias (A/B) de uma zona personalizada da seguinte forma:
Channel Member A - Memórias que vamos utilizar no dia a dia, sem a opção GPS Send ativa
Channel Member B - Apenas uma memória com a frequência do repetidor mais perto de nós e com GPS Send ativo

Só transmitimos na A, mas como a B está ativa (mesmo sem carregar no PTT), o GPS Send funciona à mesma. Não transmite a cada patilhada, mas funciona de x em x de tempo, conforme definido no selfcare.